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Healing Stones
Zodiac Chart


A Unique Psychic Reader

I began my journey as a psychic reader back in 2011. I have always had these gifts, I just never knew what they meant. Over the years, various people entered my life and mentored me as I came into my gifts.  I began giving past life readings as a party trick, helping friends connect to lost loved ones over the campfire or helping them connect to their guides while relaxing with a glass of wine and the stars. It was so rewarding to give these readings, every past life is so different. Each message from spirit is so unique. The things the soul holds onto and carries with them has always fascinated me, because often times we don't realize what we carry- good and bad, didn't come from this life, it can actually come from further back in our soul journey. Not everything gets resolved in one lifetime; its a lot to unpack especially if our soul is traumatized and buried it deep. 


I have a very no nonsense, straight to the point approach, if you're ready I'll help you discover your soul mysteries and help you unlock your soul karma. I mainly use my intuition for readings, I also like to pull your birth chart to see where your karmic points are, or inquiries about job, destiny etc. I also use tarot and can give a reading about any question you have. 

Allison, UT

"I have had some of the most spiritual experiences within the dialogue Stephanie and I shared during her readings. Past, present & future, I have a much more firm grasp on who I am, what makes me tick and the most productive ways to move forward."
Leaf Pattern Design


Starting at $65


Starting at $75

Starting at $15

*All readings done over the phone or recorded video link


Fortuna, CA 95540, USA


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